Welcome to Harmonya Senior


Since its foundation in 1954, our house has a multidisciplinary professional team, focused essentially on promoting health and support for the elderly.


Many elderly people who are confined at home, without social life, and being cared for by unskilled people face risks of treatment, cleanliness, hygiene and food.


Our structure was designed to fill this deficit, being today the best family solution.


Our structure was designed to fill this deficit, being today the best family solution.


We offer a service with professional structure of excellence to host senior citizens.


We offer long term or seasonal services according to the family need.

More than 100
More than 40

"We offer long term or seasonal services!"

Contact us now to schedule an appointment or a visit...


Harmonya Senior
Estrada dos Bandeirantes, 20008 - Vargem Pequena
Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Phones: (21) 3586-4673
(21) 96890-3541

Opening Hours

Mon-Fri 8:30 am to 5:00 pm

About US

Our house has a multidisciplinary professional team, focused essentially on promoting health and support for the elderly ...